Saturday, September 20, 2008

Climate Change? It's always been changing dumb-ass!

OK, time to slaughter the holy cow...

I don't believe in climate change...let me clarify that...I don't believe in any huge amount of human caused climate change.

The simple fact, which anyone who had even opened a geology or paleontology textbook (instead of blindly listening to Al Gore...) could tell you, is that our entire human history, our entire civilisation from the dim beginnings of agriculture and city building, has happened in what, in geological terms, has been a stable and temperate climate in Earths history.

I will clarify that has been an unusually stable and temperate period...usually Earth's climate has been either frozen in one of the regular ice ages, or baking in a global greenhouse. Sorry Greenpeace...sorry Mr Gore...but earths climate has been always changing up and down, from frozen to oven hot.
In fact, anyone who went to school in the 1970's will remember that at that time, the Earths climate had been in an overall cooling trend since the late 1940's. The majority scientific opinion was that we might just be seeing the start of the next long overdue ice age. Now we see the "majority scientific opinion" saying that, because things have been a little warmer, we are seeing the start of runaway global warming.
Sorry, but in both cases, a couple of decades of weather reports don't make for a firm prediction for what is going to happen over the next hundred years.

To look further back in history, we had "The Little Ice Age", a period which came after another period called "The Medieval Warming Period".

That's right, there was a period of warming of the climate, and it had nothing to do with old cars, power stations, or modern industry. Funny that.

Back to the Little Ice was a period from around the 1600's to the mid 1800's. Glaciers advanced in some parts of Europe, crushing villages, the River Thames and canals and lakes in other parts of Europe froze solid. in the winter of 1780, in the city of New York, the harbour froze, and people were able to walk from Manhatten to Staten Island. All round, things were pretty damn miserable. Without modern record keeping and widespread media attention like we can muster today, we have no idea how many peasants died out in the countryside from the cold and lack of food.

Now, the Medieval Warming covered a period from about the year 800 to the year 1300. It was, interestingly, following on the heels of, you guessed it, a period called "Dark Ages Cold Period"...

You get my drift...climate has been changing, up and down, warm and cold, even in comparitively recent time periods...who is to say that this current slight (very very slight) increase in temperature is not another natural warming?

Like it or not, the Earth was not designed for our is a natural dynamic model, which cares not a jot for what we might like it to do. Here in Australia, there is a lot of concern about The Great Barrier Reef, and what will happen to it in the future...not many people know that the Barrier Reef has only been there for 14,000 years...that's right, not 140,000, not 1.4 million, only a short 14,000 years. Consider: Aboriginal peoples had been here for around 40-odd thousand years before the Barrier Reef even formed, after a "meltwater pulse event" raised sea levels around the world.

As I said...the world and it's wonders aren't put here for our benifit...the world hasn't evolved to suit us, we have evolved to suit the world. Mother Nature is truly a bitch, and she doesn't give a shit about us.

So enjoy the natural wonders of the world while you never know how long they are going to last...all it takes is a volcano eruption in the right spot, or a comet or asteroid impact, and things would change suddenly.

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